Cliff Harvey
Little Hot Spring Farm

Witcher Creek – Witcher Creek Ranch

The Witcher Creek Projects included coordination of several miles of riparian fencing followed by intensive rehabilitation of a badly degraded reach of Witcher Creek known as the “Bridge Field.” The Bridge Field project’s objectives were enhancement of fish habitat and wetland function, restoration of flood plain access, and increased “sub-irrigation” (i.e., raise of local water table) in adjacent meadows. The Bridge Field project was managed by Cliff Harvey, with design details provided by George Wingate - Lahontan Consulting of Susanville, CA. Primary funding for the riparian fencing was provided by a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and generous landowner contributions. Primary funding for the Bridge Field project was provided by the Cantara Trustees and generous landowner contributions.
Witcher Creek Bridge Field, typical pre-treatment conditions. Note new riparian fencing being installed. Witcher

A series of rock sills (design by Lahontan Consulting) was installed, creating a series of pools that featured a diversity of aquatic habitats connected by riffles that were passable for native fish.


Channel and structures continue to function as designed (July, 2006).


One growing season after construction: Flood plain access at the historic grade of the surrounding meadow at < 3 year intervals is now achieved. Establishment of a redband trout fishery is under study.


July 2006: New channel vegetation is very well established. All installed structures are in place and functioning with only minor maintenance and spillway adjustment. Channel continues to flood at regular intervals.
