Nearly a half mile of a channelized reach of the South Fork Pit River was restored. Old levees were removed and new flood plains were constructed. The project was conceived and managed for Central Modoc R.C.D. by Cliff Harvey in cooperation with Likely Land and Livestock Co. Design details were developed by Salix Applied Earthcare and Cliff Harvey. Primary funding by SWRCB Prop. 204 and generous landowner contributions. "Besides keeping the projects on time and under budget, Cliff has extremely good communications skills. These projects include many agencies and property owners. Everyone knows what is expected of them and who’s on first. No surprises--good job!" John Flournoy, Likely Land & Livestock Co. Reach A, before treatment, during installation of brush mattresses, and 3 months after installation. Site is well established and stable in 2006, five years after installation. |
Reach A, July 2006. Vegetation is now well established, and stream is functioning as expected. Banks are stable, with no erosion evident. |
Reach B, bend a, looking downstream: Arrows refer to the same point in all 4 views. Note unstable, eroding banks before construction, Sept., 2001. | |
During construction, Oct. ’01, elevation of adjoining flood plain has been dropped nearly 4 feet and new design channel is nearing completion. Note willow plantings along the edge of the design channel. | |
New vegetation is well established and designed flood plains are functioning after 2 growing seasons (Summer, 2003). | |
Reach B, bend a, looking upstream, July 2006: Site remains stable. Flood plains and riparian vegetation is well established. Noxious weeds of all types in the project area are greatly reduced in number. Large stand of Scotch Thistle on right bank is gone, with only a few individual plants present in the area. |
Longitudinal Peaked Stone Toe Protection (LPSTP) site before construction (top photo, Sept. 2001). Note depositional features in center of channel. During construction a dense layer of live willow cuttings was planted behind the structure except where existing sedge/grass vegetation was retained undisturbed. Note also the adjacent ruderal field being returned to cultivation. This field had been abandoned for at least 20 years because of the erosion problems. Dominant vegetation had been weeds and sparse grass cover. |
The top of the structure was placed at approximately bankfull elevation. Installed structure after one growing season (center photo, Sept. 2002) allows better flood plain function while protecting adjacent fields from further erosion. A population of sensitive plants (Carex sheldonii) is also protected. The adjacent field now produces an annual forage crop for livestock as it provides excellent habitat for waterfowl, sandhill cranes, mule deer and other wildlife. |
The LPSTP remains in place and is functioning as expected (bottom photo, July, 2006). No new erosion has occurred and function of constructed flood plain continues as expected. Desired woody and herbaceous vegetation on the LPSTP is now very well established. The adjacent field continues to be a productive part of the ranch’s operations. |